I utstillingen The Sea That Swallows utforsker Duy Nguyen ringvirkningene av migrasjon for båtflyktningene fra Vietnam. Nguyen og Fotografiens Hus inviterer de norsk-vietnamesiske kunstnerne Kim Jakobsen To og Lieu Le til kunstnersamtale, som i likhet med Nguyen er vokst opp i Norge. I samtalen vil de tre snakke om oppveksten som vietnamesisk diaspora i Norge, veien til å utvikle et kunstnerskap som minoritet, og hvilke utfordringer de har møtt på. Samtalen blir ledet av kunstformidler Siddharta Kapoor.
Tid: Torsdag 27. juni kl. 18.00
Sted: Fotografiens Hus, Rådhusgata 20, Oslo
Samtalen foregår på engelsk. Gratis inngang.
Artist talk: The Sea That Swallows
In the exhibition The Sea That Swallows, Duy Nguyen explores the ripple effects that the migration process had on Vietnamese refugees who fled Vietnam by boat. On Thursday 27th of June, there will be an artist talk between Nguyen, and artists Kim Jakobsen To and Lieu Le. All three are of Vietnamese heritage, and grew up in Norway. The talk will center around how it was to grow up in Norway as a Vietnamese diaspora, the road to developing an artistic practice as a minority, and the challenges they encountered. The talk will be led by art mediator Siddharta Kapoor.
Date and time: Thursday June 27 2024. 18:00
Where: Fotografiens Hus, Rådhusgata 20, Oslo
The artist talk will be in English. Free entry.
Artist bios:

Duy Nguyen (b. 1989 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) grew up in the Bidong refugee camp and migrated to Norway as a child. His youth was spent on the west coast of Norway. Nguyen has a background as a designer and has developed an image-based art practice over the last few years. His research includes themes of migration, diaspora stories, and multicultural identity – often in connection with mental health. In a short time, he has made an impression nationally and internationally; with participation at high-profile group shows such as Høstutstillingen (National Art Exhibition), Østlandsutstillingen, Liquida PhotoFestival, Fresh Eyes, and more. He was recently chosen to participate in the prestigious Vårutstillingen 2024 (The Spring Exhibition) at Fotogalleriet. Nguyen has completed a few artist residencies and is now participating in the Office of Contemporary Art Norway’s 1-year residency program at Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin, where he will have an exhibition later this year. His work is in the collection of Karmøy Kunstforening, PRS Collection Turin, and Goethe-Institut. In 2024 he was awarded a 2-year working grant from Government Grants for Artists to further develop his art practice.